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Current news in TaskCtrl

by The Camel 14 June 2023
Unsure of how to get started with systematic completion?
14 June 2023
This text is taken from Read the entire excerpt from the article here : - TaskCtrl becomes a member of buildingSMART Norway with the goal of participating in the network to promote open standards in the industry. Today's buildings are no longer just a combination of steel, concrete, and other materials; they have become complex systems that communicate with each other. And when the different parts and spaces of a building communicate with each other, it is important that the various workers and systems involved in the construction project do the same, says Ørjan Gjendemsjø, Commercial Director at TaskCtrl. TaskCtrl is a software developed to help break down projects into smaller parts that are planned and monitored by project participants, from design to implementation on the construction site. This contributes to creating greater ownership of planned deliveries and ensures that they are carried out and confirmed at the right time. We are very pleased to have TaskCtrl join the network. We see that several software vendors in the industry are taking a more proactive role in working towards open standards and improved digital information flow, says Alessia Bellini, Network and Sustainability Manager at buildingSMART Norway.
14 June 2023
There are many ways to solve problems, but let's focus on three approaches here. The first approach is to solve only problems that are significant enough and worth the effort required. In 1920, the performance measure ROI (Return On Investment) was introduced. Simply put, ROI shows the return or gain from an investment relative to its cost. In this case, it measures what you gain in monetary terms by solving the problem. So unless there is a positive ROI, there is no need to address the problem. This can be seen as a typical approach from a financial standpoint. The second approach is to fix all the problems you encounter and establish a permanent solution. If there is a way to improve or streamline something, you do it without any questions asked. Will the permanent solution become a new problem during the project's development? Perhaps... The third approach is the LEAN approach. Although it may appear less efficient, it yields much better results in the long run. The reason is that when you solve a problem, you end up discovering more problems and more areas for improvement. By working in this way, you focus on continuous improvement and learning throughout the project.
14 June 2023
Systematic completion is a structured project approach that emphasizes the final phase and commissioning from the beginning and throughout the process, providing significant benefits. The methodology draws inspiration from work methods found in information and communication technology (ICT), such as LEAN. TaskCtrl assists you in structuring these processes that span the entire lifespan of the project.
14 June 2023
By employing work methodologies such as Systematic Completion and LEAN in the design phase, the Bergen Academy of Art and Design successfully completed the construction project on time, within budget, and with high quality. Check out this video for more information:
12 June 2023
TaskCtrl has been developed based on LEAN methodology, with the goal of achieving effective project management. LEAN focuses on agile processes and smooth progress in every project. During the construction of the Bergen Academy of Art and Design, LEAN principles were applied in both the design and construction phases. TaskCtrl was developed based on these experiences, ensuring effective control from design to completion.
12 June 2023
The complexity of a construction project increases in line with technological advancements. This becomes evident time and time again when projects initially estimated to cost a few hundred million end up costing over a billion. KPMG's global survey in the construction industry reveals that approximately three out of four construction projects fail to meet agreed-upon budget and timeline. – There are likely several reasons why projects struggle to stay within time and cost constraints. The willingness to think innovatively and differently may not be present in all parts of the industry. We are now seeing that LEAN in design and LEAN in execution are gaining stronger traction. There are also several actors adopting new methods to achieve better success in Norwegian construction projects," says board member and one of the founders of T askCtrl, Tor I. Hoel . Relying on LEAN methodology appears to be something that can help the construction industry improve productivity and safety levels in construction projects globally. Tor also highlights that another cause of the industry's challenges is a lack of focus on systematic completion. — Systematic completion helps reduce the number of errors from the start of construction until project completion. Additionally, it ensures the transfer of information between those involved in planning, construction, and operation, Tor continues.
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